Information about Sea Scouts

This page is dedicated to providing scouts and parents information about Sea Scouts.
The Sea Scout Promise

As a Sea Scout, I promise to do my best:
To guard against water accidents
To know the location and proper use of the lifesaving devices on every boat I board
To be prepared to render aid to those in need
To let those less able come first.

The Scout Oath

The Scout Oath:
On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout law, to help other people at all times, and to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

The Scout Law

A Scout is:
Clean, and Reverent

Scouts First

 The protection of youth is the primary obligation of every individual involved in the Boy Scouts of America - including leaders, parents, members, and professionals The BSA...  

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Sea Scouts Website

Find all the information you need about Sea Scouting at their official page.

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Patriots Path Counsil

  Here is the link to the PPC’s official website.  

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Munsee District

Link to the Munsee Districts website

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Boy Scouts of America

Scouting is adventure, family, fun character, leadership and much more. In Scouting, boys and girls start with their best right

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Scout Book

Ship 243 uses Scout book to track advancements.  From the first knot tied to the final hours of service performed.   You will find all your scouting advancement information here.  

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My Scouting Website

By creating a May. Scouting account, you will be able to mange your and/or your youth’s participation in Scouting.  Including completing an application to register  

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City of Rahway

The City of Rahway's office website

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Sea Scout Uniform

  • Scouts in Ship 243 wear the New Century Sea Scout Uniform.
  • Dark Navy Blue Short Sleeve Work Shirt / Dickies #1574
  • Dark Navy Blue Work Trousers / Dickies #874
  • Black web belt with silver buckle - item #618624 for $13 from
  • Black plain shoes - we wear these on "dress" occasions
  • Patches:American Flag patch (top right sleeve)
  • Ship 243 / Sea Horse patch (right sleeve below flag)
  • Patriots Path Council strip (left sleeve top)
  • "243" - three white on red numbers (left sleeve below council strip)
  • World Crest over left shirt pocket midway between pocket and collar
  • "Sea Scouts B.S.A" strip right above right pocket

Skipper Bob sells a set of the necessary patches.

For less formal scouting occasions, our crew wears official Ship 243 / Sea Horse t-shirt. They are available for purchase from Skipper Bob.

For the official description of the New Century Uniform visit this official Sea Scouting web page:
SG Trading Post - Appereal and Swag